
Charcoal Story

Poetry and short texts. Words that shape invisible statues



Can you speak?

Did you ever thought about the organisation of the state, the evolution the present state and how will we organise in the future? This is a question that for me is very important and essential, but I find very few friends who think about this, if you have thought about this, feel free to comment and maybe we can have a discussion!

And if you know a site where you can talk with people about your interests, let me know!

Enough with violence

I am writing on a computer, I am typing and word appear on a screen, I can use it to its full potential but I don’t know how it works. I drive a car, I am a good driver, I don’t know how to make a car, I can use everything but I can’t make anything. What is this, what world is this where everyone uses but can’t reproduce anything? Think about it…

No one men or women knows how to produce anything in the modern age. Let’s take a phone, if you want to make it you need to know how to extract the oil that it’s used for making plastic, you have to know how to make the factory that makes the case, the hardware and software, the smelter, you will have to pretty much know every industrial process of a modern society.

We have no rulers, we can’t have, as none can understand everything, non can impose nothing, we can only negotiate. Imagine how beautiful the world will be when parents will not force their children, when people will not force people, when governments will dissolve not by violence but by the lack of it, when almost no one will desire to try to solve the problems of society by force, and those who support such madness, shamed.

We will continue on the path to freedom, faster or slower but this is inevitable, this is the way we are evolving, no one can stop it. It is the inevitable developement of our brain, we come from violence, the violence of animals where reason was completely absent and we strive to reason and logic that creates the second choice, negotiation, mutual advantage. Enough with violence, we tried it for as long as we existed… It doesn’t work.

“Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

The City (Part 3)

Agrrr, zap, bla, bla, obey, good, remove, zzzz, the machine is stopping… silence, the procedure is done says the doctor.

– Good, says the mysterious man, let me talk to him.

– Ok, this way.

– Are you awake?

– I, I am.

– Do you know your name?

– Aaaa, my name? it’s, mmm, I don’t remember.

– That’s because you didn’t have a name before, you were like a wild beast, now we will call you The Cripple, Krip for short.

– I like Krip, sounds nice.

– Glad.

– Do you remember our last talk?

– Yes.

– What do you think about that now? Do you understand our sacrifice? Do you see how much good we’ve done?

– Yes, I didn’t know, I didn’t comprehend before, it’s very embarrassing for me, put myself against the evolution of the species…

– Don’t worry, you are now all better, you are a new human. Let’s go to the distribution centre to see where will you live and what to work.

– let’s go.

The city of Axis was wonderful, everything was organised and nobody wasted anything, it worked like a swiss clock. No pollution, no famine, no injustice. It really is the paradise promised by the oldest of religions. Walking down the hallways, of a nest like structure, the unnamed man walked with Krip, he smiles, he feels like everything is in place. Krip a little aloof walks with his knees a little flexed. The sun shines, the glare shines in Krips eyes but he doesn’t close his eyes, he is not scared of the light anymore. The unnamed man holds his shoulders, you are safe now, I will make sure of that. The elevator platform in front, the two-step on and go up.

– You know Krip… you are like my son, like the son that rejoins his abandoned family, you are here under my protection, under the protection of your father.

– I’m sorry.

They get of the top floor, the assessment room is close ahead. The door opens, a kind women invited them inside.

– Welcome, inaudible, and who is this?

– He is Krip, he is a newborn, we need to find him a place to live and a job, said the unnamed man.

– O well let me evaluate him and will be done in 30 minutes.

– I’ll wait outside.

– So you are Krip?

– Yes I am, smiled Krip.

– What do you like to do for a living Krip?

– I like to dance, to swim, to eat, to create.

– How do you prefer to live? I like to have funny neighbors, in their mid 30’s, and hot women. I would like a hot women to be my girlfriend if you can do that.

– Let’s see, ok, I have something here, a nice job at a food art gallery near the seashore. Yes, tap, tap, I see women preferences, defined hot, we have a little shortage of hot women, but I think I can squeeze you in, you can have a hot girl but you’ll have to share her with two other guys. You will live in an apartment in the west part of Axis.

– But I don’t want to share my hot girl… the rest is perfect.

– No can do, the demand is to high for hot women, we try to best serve everyones needs, we just can’t do that. We have a lot of women that have no partners but they’re not hot, do you want one?

– … No, I’ll share…

– Good, we are done.

– Bye.

– Let’s go Krip, this way. (to be continued)

The City (part 2)

The room is dark, my hands, my legs, what is this slime? I don’t understand what do you want, what have I done? I am normal person, why kidnap me? Hello!!

– Hello…

– Who are you?

– We are the Peaceful.

– Why did you kidnap me?

– We did not kidnap you, you violated the LAW, you are not a new human.

– What, new human? I am a human nothing else, eyes widening.

– Human yes, but you must become a NEW human, the better kind, like all the residence of Axis, one of our most important cities. We are very proud of it, haven’t you seen it? haven’t you seen how beautiful and organised and prosperous it is? Do you know why it is so?

– No, but please don’t hurt me!

– Stop whining, the story goes like this: In 2038 humanity went bankrupt and chaos was upon us, people starved, mothers begged for their children food, 2 billion people died, starved to death, the first time in history that so many people died so fast. But why did we get here? From our analysis we discovered that the problem was too much freedom, too much diversity, too much variables for a complex system to work. People were too lazy, too greedy, they were becoming freer and this led to so much misery. At some point people wanted to get rid of all government, manipulated by anarchist in to believing that without government they will be free and happy. Poor fouls, they starved to death. So after some resistance we began to change the world…

– Some resistance, what kind of resistance?

– O nothing important, some people just can’t admit they failed, we had to use some measures to eliminate the threat.

– You killed them!

– I didn’t kill anyone, I was not born yet, why do you try to ruin my story, this is the best part. Listen and don’t interrupt.

– Grrrrr…

– So after the whole, free market bullshit system failed, our state organisation was first to take a stand, to propose something that was never before seen in the entire human history… We proposed the New Human Alternative(NHA).

– What is NHA?

– We proposed to change the human mind, to make people good, to take away the bad parts, and keep the good. Isn’t it wonderful? To tweak all humans so that we can have no war, no inequality, no terrorist, nu racism, no bad stuff. Can’t you see how much good we have done?

– I can’t belive you can do that. All humans? why didn’t they resist? why?

– Because they knew they were sinners and wanted this evil extracted from them, most people came voluntarily, some had to be forced, for the good of all.

– I don’t think you can decide what good of all is…

– You won’t be so defiant when you’ll be a new human… the process will start soon.

– I don’t want to be one, did you transform all people? are you one of the new humans?

– Mmmm, no, the ones in the Peaceful organisation are not new humans, you see, the process alters the memories and you forget certain things if we transform ourselves we could not continue transforming others, for the good of all we must remain old, no day passes that I don’t regret this.

– Nooo.

– Begin!

I’m an anarchist so you don’t have to be

“The Internet may be the most successful example of anarchy ever known.”

“Anarchy – a political theory opposed to all forms of government and governmental restraint and advocating voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups in order to satisfy their needs.”  Webster’s Third International Dictionary

I must tell you, first of all, what anarchism is not. It is not bombs, disorder, or chaos. It is not robbery or murder. It is not a war of each against all. It is not a return to barbarianism or to the wild state of man. Anarchism is the very opposite of all that.   Alexander Berkman

I’m an anarchist so you don’t have to. The world is up side down, have you thought about it? have you questioned what you know? are you sure you have your own analysis? be carefull, when the blanket is over your eyes some people may profit. What do you value? Do you like force or voluntary? what do you belive in, and what do you want to leave to the world after you are gone? What do you support? do you know? think! have you heard about this on your local news? why not? who profits from your ignorance? Have you thought about the taxes that you pay? About the force involved, what do you call a person or group that uses force or threat of force to take money from you? Do you see the web of lies around you? who profits?

Why can’t you refuse to pay, why can’t you be free? you say that taxes are used for your own good? then why are they mandatory? don’t you want what’s good for you? how can someone else know what is good for you? Think! What are you supporting when you go to put your vote in the urn? Force the people who vote differently to conform to what you want? why? Appoint someone to rule over you? why? have you searched google about the most important topic of your life? your life… what are you doing with your life? the time passes and you are trapped, trapped in your mind. How would you sum up the state, government?

If you produce something do you force people to buy from you? if you don’t do that why the government? if no person can, why a group is any different? Don’t become defensive, don’t dismiss this without thought, don’t say bullshit and move on. Think! You are star-dust, you are the result of thousands and thousands of people across history, don’t stay passive, don’t hold yourselves back, express all of you, do you see the boot? the boot is not on your neck, it’s on your mind. Ascend, release your mind, rejoice in your own complexity. You don’t have to agree, but now this, in anarchy you can chose a master if you like but in a statist society you can’t choose to not have one. Think! You are the person to change the world, we are all here to make a better place. Think!

I see your eyes, you are beautiful! Do you think too much freedom is bad? do you think a dog will say he want to wear a leash two times a week or never? Are you afraid of others? who profits from your fear? what happens when people are afraid? Think! You voted a smile… You gave power to a person over you and you don’t even know him… Why? That is the power to tell you what to do, to force you. Because your afraid? Don’t be afraid!

Think! >:D< I see you, we are all humans, we are equal, we are free, we are individuals, don’t let psychopaths rule over you! Thank you!

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