
Charcoal Story

Poetry and short texts. Words that shape invisible statues



Atoms on the Move

Well there is a whole world out there,
With flowers that grow out of stars,
Exploding like novas of blossom,
Engulfing the blue of the sky.

Only your fingers need to sizzle,
On your chest, hot like coals,
Your heart steaming arteries,
Pumping fire, so you know.

That only atoms on the move,
Get the world to bloom.
What is right is the time,
For us to mark our womb.

Golden Skin

There is an ocean that can’t be filled,
Of immense proportions and it’s barely lit,
You could swim on this thin mirror,
Moving your butterfly arms braking,
Again and again, this image, recking.

There is an ocean that fills every day,
With stories of oceans and mirrors and lights,
Having the power to move, to split,
It caresses the skin of a swimmer.

The swimmer with the golden skin,
Born in the ocean, birth by the ocean,
Has a question that is never answered,
Does the ocean touch his golden skin,
Or his skin touches the ocean?


First I have to understand that I don’t exist

I’ve cut the rational part in me because, I feared my irrational one,
I can’t think and feel at the same time, not in this world,
For thinking breads fear when applied to the world of the real,
Illusions help calm me down and manage my emotions,
To see the world naked of confusion is the first step of existence,
But first I have to understand that I don’t exist, not yet,
For not only my world was an illusion but also myself.

Everyone wants to change the world, but that is impossible.
Change can only occur in oneself, in me…
I have no power outside my own body.
Change comes from within, but were exactly?
From structure and emotion, logic and love.

And change is hard, I see the broken actions in myself,
But understanding and acting, far apart, not even close.
I need emotion as much as logic, one can not solve the problems of the other,
For logic is blind and can’t find the problem, logic can only solve it.
I use emotions to see where it hurts, not easy and not pleasant.
I have to take the thorns out of my foot, I can’t just ignore them.

I write better when…

I was thinking about writing, when you write better, what makes it better and I concluded the following:

I write better as I write more, seems obvious enough, like anything I do I get better by practicing, also my english is getting a little bit better and I am able to construct more complex images and feelings.

I write better when I listen to music, music without lyrics so I’m not distracted, I also select the music that is in tune with my emotional state in the moment.

I write better when I don’t know what I am going to write about, oddly enough I don’t like to think about what I am writing before I start typing as I feel a lot less in the moment, like recalling a memory and not experiencing something in the present. I hardly edit the first form of my writing and try to transmit an idea or feeling naturally from the first time. I think writing should be as natural as talking and i don’t rehearse before I speak to people.

I write better when I feel strongly, the best texts I’ve written so far were the ones that were written in an emotional state, when I felt happiness or sadness, anger or calmness, And this is by far the best way to write something in my opinion, very powerful, I don’t know how emotions creep into the words as I don’t recall doing something different.

I write better when I don’t want to impress, I write for myself and If others like of course I am happy, but If I write with an audience in mind it never works, Is like I am detached and I am wondering what someone wants to hear and then I write it, this never ends in anything valuable.

I write better when I write on my blog, the instant feedback of a blog when you post something that you write is incredible, I am like a child in the candy store, I wait for a like for a follow and that motivates me.

I write better when I squeeze a lot of information in a small text, I think being able to be concise and not linger and over explain something, hinting, provoking is far better than being to explicit, I like short texts and when I feel I’m getting bored I stop, I take my emotional state as a template for others and end it, like I’m doing now!

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