
Charcoal Story

Poetry and short texts. Words that shape invisible statues




Regardless of time Peter tinkered,
Regardless of age Peter smiled,
Regardless of pain Peter continued,
Regardless of memory Peter remembered.



Abstract remember.
Life is null,
Life is you.
Humans like to cheat.

Why you borrow time?
Destruction is creation,
Words have meaning,
Minds lack it.
Beware of illusions.
They feed on your smiles.
Go explore but watch the watchman,
Drink, drink the water and follow.
Be the best and work the most.
Words lack meaning,
Minds have it.

Do i still know the smell of truth?

As I run through time I met my younger self and younger child, what can I tell them how? can I make them proud? what stories can I tell them so that they smile and not cringe? Is there a limit to our closeness, are they still a part of me? why do we need to be fragmented just like a hard drive over time.

Do what you must just don’t feel sorry, don’t look at me with two sad eyes, don’t hold my leg you little child cuz I messed up and time has gone. I love you child, I love your face, I love the way you look into my soul and maybe further. I see me grow I see me change I see all the time before today, I am just me, and me, and me, of all the moments I prefer. I seem to keep the good the bad but all I see is strong and fresh, do I still feel the way I did? do I still know the smell of truth? I grow and grow and stick a piece over the ones I had before and so and so become just more, fragmented over time. But do the fragments really matter? o do the numbers really matter? or is the glue that binds them the thing that truly sticks.

Do i still exist?

What do you want? you want me to follow you, I don’t need you to tell me what i am, i have a brain, i have a life, do not impose what can’t be done.

The song is clear, freedom I hear I do not bow to anyone by choice, I do not grind the floor with humbleness. I am just me and all I wish, is for you to be you and not me. I need my space and you need yours, let’s all respect the boundaries we make, do not destroy the boundaries of thought because this boundary is real like that of flesh. And to be ruled what is this madness, what is this masochistic show?

why do we need to beg our masters, instade of watching for ourselves, what is this surrender of the mind, what is this pathological idea that we can be slaves and free at the same time. I feel the need to scream silent in my mind, not because the world can’t hear me but because I can’t hear myself, I can’t hear myself think, I can’t hear me. Am I still here, do I still exist? I need to check, but how?

How can you be so shure you are you and not the eco of a culture, what it the thing that sets you apart from the world? so many questions that I ask so few answers I receive. What do I think is it inside my mind, why me, why I? the world is full of vibrant life, but still I think, I lost my thought, it’s so curious to write directly from your mind, is like you empty all the oceans in a vase. O I am happy, o actions need to be the reason, all that I do I do for fun and introspection.

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