
Charcoal Story

Poetry and short texts. Words that shape invisible statues




Fear will eat the unwilling alive,
Clawing inside, getting its roots deep on the other side,
Yet it’s just a handful of nothing.

A piece of the night, an echo.
Not the truth, not the present,
Not you.

You can heal all with ease,
You can look deep inside,
Get the roots out of you,
Get those claws clipped,
And your life back.

A Piece of Brain

A piece of brain splattered on the floor,
You may be horrified,
You may be like a psychopath in a candy store.

The world is a weird place,
Full of violent actions, full of buried dead.
There is always someone that giggles in their head.

They have all the power to be predators,
Preying like a tower over the lost souls.
Rubbing their hands, tightening the noose,
There is always someone giggling obtuse.

Earth Gets Inside You

The dark tunnel in a lightless hill,
The road full of terrors makes ill,
When the naked foot unrolls,
You can feel the screams of being.

The darker it is, havier the hill,
Eyes left at the entrance, you just need will.
The tunnel deep, burrowing with hands,
Earth gets inside you, even more than the night.

It is said that a light, is always at the end,
A hill can’t be infinite, he must have a death.
Breaching in the sun that you’ll never see,
Remember your eyes? You will never see.

Stuck in the Dark Ooze

Not a thought to soon, I put my glasses that I wish I had, down.
I try to raise with all my anemic blood the leaky pen, my hand.
There is no paper, traces can be found only if I dig too deep, in garbage.
There is a thought that might get stuck in this dark ooze, no clues.
I write with my left, so all I do is spread the ink, like a tattoo.
I just want to write the present down, to relive it forever.
Never turn me into the past, at least not until the ink settles.

So Much Clearer

Tears on the move,
With big fingers dripping on,
As redness fills the skin.

Once again water wins.
There is no way to keep it in,
Only embrace the salty stream.

So much is said about tears,
That tear you up and make you squeal.
All lies, it only makes you show your fear.

The end is so much clearer,
The mind is sharp just like a spear.
Just a few drops have saved you countless years.

Atoms on the Move

Well there is a whole world out there,
With flowers that grow out of stars,
Exploding like novas of blossom,
Engulfing the blue of the sky.

Only your fingers need to sizzle,
On your chest, hot like coals,
Your heart steaming arteries,
Pumping fire, so you know.

That only atoms on the move,
Get the world to bloom.
What is right is the time,
For us to mark our womb.

Legos, spines and ecosystems

What to make? An ecosystem.
Be a master in your own worlds.
Get reality to match ideas.
Regret is the penalty for fear.
No more guards to protect you,
No more shells left uncracked.
You are exposed like a meaty clam,
On the rock, facing a sea storm.

What you have as a weapon,
Is not a sharp stick or a heavy rock.
Only a sharp mind and a heavy spine.
Get your legos together, there is not much time.

Black and Old Rainbows

No, no, no, no.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
One day high,
One day low.
Does reality show, the show?
Does my brain make up the world?
Is it just the chemical reactions,
That make rainbows black and old?
Some things you see every day,
Reactions are not usual that way.
What happened to the juice?

Drums Tremble

Drums sound like elephants,
Vibration crumbles all our porcelains,
Atoms are in a hurry to make way,
For others to push until they gave way.

The sound is rhythmic as blades of grass,
The sharp tremble swipes all and gasp,
There are only flexible knees,
On the ground, we securely freeze.

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